Congrats on 20 Years, REN-ISAC!
‟As a member of REN-ISAC since 2006 and currently on the Steering Committee I want to convey my best wishes to the organization and especially to the members, many of whom are my friends. There are many security organizations out there, but I can honestly say that this is one of the best.
Congratulations on 20 years of excellence!”
Joel Rosenblatt
Director, Computer & Network Security, Columbia University
‟Congratulations on 20 years! This is a great organization that adds tremendous insight to university security teams. I had the pleasure of being involved very early on. The value added by REN-ISAC is immeasurable. Not all ISACs are created equal. This one is the best of the best.”
Sallie Wright
Former CISO, Oklahoma State University; Former CISO, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Former CISO, the University of Alabama at Birmingham
‟First to Mark Bruhn and Doug Pearson, without Mark's tenacity to get research and education recognized as critical infrastructure we wouldn't have gotten launched and without Doug's perseverance and technical excellence it wouldn't have been as helpful.
Finally, I appreciate the current team at the REN that has taken all the work to a new level that meets the vision of broadly serving higher education.
Thank you Indiana University and especially the REN-ISAC team!”
Jack Suess
VP of IT, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
‟The REN-ISAC threat intel and reports are fantastic, but I stick around for the sense of community and teamwork that is fostered by the organization. Keep up the good work.”
Taylor Judd
Director Information Security - Univeristy of Illinois