Cybersecurity Assessment Service

Improve Your Cybersecurity Posture

REN-ISAC's Cybersecurity Peer Assessment Service can enable you and your institution to strengthen internal safeguards and mitigate possible risk. Our expert peer assessors understand the unique demands of cybersecurity in higher education, and they will provide you with an objective evaluation of your institution's current security standing.

The peer assessment process culminates in a professional report that includes National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-based, actionable recommendations; prioritized steps with a focus on scalability; suggestions for continuous process improvement; and a separate executive summary to encourage understanding and buy-in.

Schedule an assessment

How a General Assessment Works

Step 1: You choose scope, topics, dates of the assessment.
Step 2: Assessor researches and reviews institution-specific practices.
Step 3: Assessor performs an in-person analysis including personnel interviews with staff across IT and other functional areas.
Step 4: Assessor prepares early report drafts for your review.
Step 5: Final report with executive summary is delivered.